Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Great Lakes Travel

The Great Lakes Travel

Canada has organized a beautiful campaign.  The air was crisp and refreshing, and we stopped along our route to admire the things which we passed along the way, a stone railroad bridge, a sparkling stream, a picturesque farm.  It was simple and lovely, like a fairy tale.  Although the Canada shares a border with the United States, there is a certain change in the aura of the landscape.  I could feel a difference that we are.  And when we crossed into the United States, camping along the lakes Michigan and superior, I felt a different sense of nature here too - always beautiful, but different.

Lake Superior Shoreline
Banks of Lake Superior

We continued our adventures in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, stopping at Whitefish Point, where the famous sinking of the SS Edmund Fitzgerald sank.   Overlooking Lake Superior, I found it easy to forget that this huge body of water was not an ocean.  We dragged along the shoreline collection of pieces of driftwood and colored pebbles and soon arrested again looking for meals.
Sunset on Superior
Sunset on superior

A woman at a nearby reception centre insisted that stop at a place called The Berry Patch and their famous pies.  It was a small mother kind of place and we thought it would be good enough for lunch as well.  Rear seat with our menus in a corner, I could say that the place was full of people who knew what they wanted when they walked in.  The menu has your mundane dinner fare and comfort, sandwiches, hamburgers, pancakes, omelettes, eggs and sausages..."fried potatoes?  N ° it cannot be.

"Patrick looked up at us in disbelief.

Shane and I exchanged looks for a while, and then he lost.  Our German friend thought that the Berry Patch was used to "brownie" of hash.  It was explained between our hysterical that the hash browns were a sort of potato side and that it would probably love them very much.  At this point, Patrick was a whole bag of chips per day on average, and stories of Shane, I learned that Patrick was also known to order French fries and mashed potatoes for its two sides.  Anything potato has been an instant favorite with Patrick.

The food ends up being mediocre and we never tried pie.

As we left, Patrick began to go this Mystery Spot tourist trap that the waitress had spoken to him, but we decided that our next destination would be a farm cranberries on the brochure that he had picked up.  And so we went, and led and led, is come to the place where we thought he should be, could not find and kept driving.  We were on the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, right along Lake Superior, on a bumpy road, when I realized that my phone service had changed.

"uh..." 'Re back US to the Canada? "Somehow my service was more AT & T, then we must have been far enough along the coast began to pick up Canadian cellular service from HERE.  At that time, we agreed that there is no exploitation of cranberry.  We had reached a place so far as swarms of mosquitoes around the car.  Patrick and I knocked on the dozen or so that had made their way through the windows before we closed, while Shane maneuver the car around on the hilly and narrow way.
"we should have gone to the place of mystery."  Patrick has grumbled in the back.
"shut up, Patrick!", said forward Shane.

Patrick were never able to see the Mystery Spot and we continued our route.
the final jewel of the Great Lakes region has been definitely porter Ranch of Oswald.  After a hike of two miles to see Tahquamenon Falls, we jumped in the car to find a sign that read "Bear farm 20 miles."  We drove quite quickly and said through the doors promptly at 16:45 to be stopped by a cheerful old lady in the parking lot.

"Sorry, we're closed." She said, smiling.
' but I came straight from the Germany! Patrick channeled upwards in the back.
"well you'll just have to come back tomorrow."
' but - 'Patrick tried to protest. "
"Auf wiedersehen."  She sang with happiness.

Unhappy that the map called "German" did not work, we the car turned around and decided to set up camp somewhere in the region.  After solid ice cream at a place called The Scoop while Patrick conversed in German with some Amish women, we started looking.  It took us a while, but after a head-rattling trip along some rigorous back country roads, we finally found a trailer park called blind Sucker #2 in an overflow Lake near superior.   In the end, the extra night was totally worth it.  We had the chance to meet some real HIGH desert and attended the sunset on the sparkling waters of the upper...

Camping on Lake Superior
Camping Lake Superior
